the animals were never alone i
Performers: Maria Lepistö, Marina Dubia, Lucia Jaén Serrano, Freja Kreuzfeldt, Mette Gjandrup Tast, Nicolina Eklund
Performance, 45 min. Recordings from the archive are played on speakers, mixing with the sound of the public space. An amplified voice shouts out instructions and 4 performers herd the audience as a group to follow along in choreography, listening and reading scripts. Sometimes the instructions are ambigous.
Blågårds Plads, Copenhagen 2019.
How can I mediate archives through performance, an art form that highlights temporality? Can I transform a collective memory into a collective present?
Walking in a circle, holding a scientist...
- amplified instruction

The Animal Sound Archive is an existing scientific archive. We have created a fictional story about it. Letting our story unfold in a public space, the performance functions as a rupture in the everyday life, a synchronized action where the past and the present overlap. The mechanical nature of a recording is emphasized by looping the sound, turning voices into beats for choreographed movement.

Playback: Canis_lupus_S0231_01_short.wav The sound of a dog barking nearby mingles with a recorded dog, a wolf, a screaming seagull, an ice bear...
Walking a little bit faster...
Playback: Hippopotamus_amphibius_S0287.wav
Almost holding hands!!
Playback: domestic cat (purring)
Script on cardboard (50 pieces in total). During the performance, a fictional narrative unfolds, told by the participating audience as we read scripts together.
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